Maya Calendar Converter-Long Count

You will find the full Maya long count date for today below.

However, if you want to find out what any date in our time would be in the Maya calendar, simply type in your chosen date and click the convert button.

Long Count Date

13 B’aktun

13 X 144,000 days = 1,872,000 days

0 K’atun

0 X 7,200 days = 0 days

8 Tun

8 X 360 days = 2,880 days

11 Winal

11 X 20 days = 220 days

8 K’in

8 X 1 day = 8 days

Tzolkin Date: 5 Lamat
Haab Date: 6 Sek
Lord of the Night: G3

*Correlation Constant used is 584283 – Goodman-Martinez-Thompson.

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